The culture of Bonaire can be seen in the faces of its people. The different features and hues tell the story of dozens of ethnic and racial influences. Indian, African, Asian and European inhabitants have all contributed to fabric of Bonaire. Two of the most unmistakable features are the smiles that break out when greetings are made and the soft yet firm handshakes that pass between old and new friends. Bonaire’s culture is rooted in religious and holiday celebrations. Many traditions take origin from African homelands and European harvest and feast days. The music is a blend of tribal beats but using modern instruments and makeshift farming tools instead. One important aspect of modern Bonairean culture is the food. Local Krioyo, Dutch, Indonesian and Indian…the list is endless with unmistakable tastes that visitors will be sure to recognize.
Being very resourceful, the people of Bonaire have combined their different ethnic backgrounds to produce a truly unique dance style. The rhythms are reminiscent of African drumbeats yet contain modern influences making them seem fresh and new. The Simadan, one of Bonaire’s most widely known dances, is traditionally done in celebration of a successful maize harvest and takes place in fall. Everyone in the village plays a part in bringing in the crops and celebrating with food and drink. The Bari is another Bonaire dance with harvest roots. It is strongly influenced by the Waltz, the Mazurka, the Polka, and a local dance 'Baile di Sinta,' which is performed around a maypole. These all originate in Europe. The Rumba, Carioca, and Meringue are from northern Caribbean islands, while the Danza and the Joropo are from Latin America.
Local cuisine is made up of mostly fresh stews, soups and fried treats. Of course, fresh fish is also popular.
There are four languages spoken on Bonaire today. While Dutch is the official one used in government and legal transactions, Papiamentu is used in daily exchanges and has wide acceptance. English and Spanish are also common. Papiamentu, a Creole language indigenous to the Dutch Antilles, particularly Bonaire, Curacao, and Aruba, has its roots in West Africa as early as the mid-1400s.