Currency - The official currency is the Cuban Peso US $1.00 equals CUP $26.00
Traveller’s checques (except those issued by US Banks) and credit cards (except American Express and Diner’s Club) are accepted.
Climate - Cuba’s climate is moderately subtropical and predominantly warm. The island’s average temperature is 80ºF (25.5ºC) and average relative humidity is 78%. It also sees an average of 330 days of sunshine a year. Cuba’s two clearly defined seasons are the rainy season (May to October) and the dry season (November to April).
Population - Cuba has more than 11,200,000 people, with 75% of them living in urban areas. The average density is 100.3 residents per square kilometer, with the most heavily populated spots being the cities of Havana (2,198,000), Santiago de Cuba (1,023,000) and HolguÃn (1,021,000)
Language - The country’s official language is Spanish, although most Cubans working in the tourism industry can communicate in English.