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  • Climate - Jamaica enjoys a tropical climate, characterized by high temperatures and humid conditions year-round. Average temperature ranges from 19 degrees Celsius (66 degrees Fahrenheit) to 32 degrees Celsius (99 degrees Fahrenheit). The rainy seasons last from May to June and September to November. Also, hurricanes may pass over the island primarily during the months June to September.


  • Driving - The most important thing to remember when driving in Jamaica is that they drive on the LEFT, Jamaica recognizes valid International Driver’s Licenses, but visitors from North America may use their country's license for up to three months per visit.


  • Drugs - In Jamaica, the use, sale and possession of drugs such as ganja (marijuana), cocaine, crack, ecstasy, heroin and any other controlled substance is illegal. Violators are subject to severe punishments – specifically arrest, fine and imprisonment. 


  • Language - The official language of Jamaica is English, but most Jamaican's speak in a local dialect called 'Patois' 

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