Time Zone - Atlantic Standard Time, one hour ahead of Eastern Standard Time and the same as Eastern Daylight Time. GMT -4.
Currency - Official currency is the Eastern Caribbean dollar, which is fixed to the US dollar. Recent exchange rate was US$1.00=EC$2.65. US currency, traveler's checks and major credit cards are welcome everywhere.
Electricity - Part of the island is 110 volts, the remainder is 220 volts. Most hotels have both voltages available.
Camouflage Clothing - The importation and wearing of camouflage clothing is prohibited in Antigua and Barbuda.
Traveling with Pets - An import permit must be obtained from the Chief Veterinary Officer before entry.
Safety - Antigua & Barbuda is relatively crime free, but exercise normal precautions; i.e. don't leave valuables unattended in rental cars or on the beach.